I believe that we each have a purpose to fulfill in our life. We each have something to contribute to this world, and until we find it, we can never be truly fulfilled.
Below you'll find a set of questions that are designed to help you find out your own life purpose. By using a few cool psychological tools such as projection, human needs psychology (Tony Robbins), and primary fear motivation, I've created a system that is designed to help you create a unique and compelling vision for your life.
Below you'll find a set of questions that are designed to help you find out your own life purpose. By using a few cool psychological tools such as projection, human needs psychology (Tony Robbins), and primary fear motivation, I've created a system that is designed to help you create a unique and compelling vision for your life.
How I Found My Own Life Purpose
So for a while I was absolutely obsessed with Asian martial arts films. Donnie Yen was my new hero. One day, while scanning through Netflix, I happened to come across a Chinese television series called The Legend of Bruce Lee.
The first episode starts and guess what I learn? Bruce Lee was a cha-cha dancer before he did kung fu! He was just like me, in the sense that he had no real idea of what he wanted to do in his life. He wasn't from a wealthy family and had no connections, but suddenly he got really interested in kung fu because of a fight he was in with some bullies at his school.
He then became obsessed with everything about kung fu, and as life took him on its journey, he soon found himself in the United States. There he learned that no one in the US had ever heard of kung fu or had any idea that China was the original creator of martial arts. That was when he became obsessed with showing the world that China deserved more respect and should not be called the "Sick Man of East Asia."
The first episode starts and guess what I learn? Bruce Lee was a cha-cha dancer before he did kung fu! He was just like me, in the sense that he had no real idea of what he wanted to do in his life. He wasn't from a wealthy family and had no connections, but suddenly he got really interested in kung fu because of a fight he was in with some bullies at his school.
He then became obsessed with everything about kung fu, and as life took him on its journey, he soon found himself in the United States. There he learned that no one in the US had ever heard of kung fu or had any idea that China was the original creator of martial arts. That was when he became obsessed with showing the world that China deserved more respect and should not be called the "Sick Man of East Asia."
As Bruce became infatuated with the idea of bringing respect back to China, he started to realize that that was his true life purpose and the only thing he really cared about. He took crazy risks and continuously put himself on the line for what he believed in, because if he didn't achieve his life-goal, what would be the point of even existing?
As I watched the show and saw how incredible his achievements were, and how much he was willing to sacrifice for what he believed in, along with the level of success, fame, and fortune he achieved in the process, I couldn't help but think to myself, "this is all because he found his life purpose."
As I realized that, I began to think about all the other majorly successful people in life... those who've become mega famous, wealthy and successful, or those whose names have been remembered throughout time. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Tony Robbins, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ, and many, many others.
What do they all have in common? They all found a life purpose they believed so strongly in that they sacrificed years of their lives and moved mountains to make it a reality because not only did they believe it was possible, but they believed they were the ones meant to achieve it, and that in the end, it would absolutely be worth the sacrifice.
After I realized this, I couldn't sleep at all that night. Why? Because I had no idea what my own life purpose was.
But I knew at least one thing: the only way for me to reach the biggest goals in my life would be to discover my life purpose and then work to achieve it.
As I watched the show and saw how incredible his achievements were, and how much he was willing to sacrifice for what he believed in, along with the level of success, fame, and fortune he achieved in the process, I couldn't help but think to myself, "this is all because he found his life purpose."
As I realized that, I began to think about all the other majorly successful people in life... those who've become mega famous, wealthy and successful, or those whose names have been remembered throughout time. Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Rosa Parks, Helen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Tony Robbins, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ, and many, many others.
What do they all have in common? They all found a life purpose they believed so strongly in that they sacrificed years of their lives and moved mountains to make it a reality because not only did they believe it was possible, but they believed they were the ones meant to achieve it, and that in the end, it would absolutely be worth the sacrifice.
After I realized this, I couldn't sleep at all that night. Why? Because I had no idea what my own life purpose was.
But I knew at least one thing: the only way for me to reach the biggest goals in my life would be to discover my life purpose and then work to achieve it.
So how did I uncover my life purpose?
At first I started thinking about what I really loved to do. As it turns out, I had already built a fairly successful headshot photography business called "City Headshots," because I really loved photography and video work. But as I thought more, I realized I wasn't 100% passionate about photography. The photographers I had hired on my team were passionate, but I personally was more interested in the psychology behind why people were often so uncomfortable on-camera, and why it could be so hard to get clients to relax at times.
As I was growing my business, I would of course get angry, freaked out, or overwhelmed at times (as we all do). At one point I got so sick of my overreactions that I decided to try to create a tool that would allow me to coach myself. After a few months of work, I had developed a tool that actually allowed me to explore my own unconscious mind. Basically the tool consisted of a series of questions that would lead me to uncover why I felt a certain way about things. So since I had already created a tool to help uncover my unconscious thoughts, I asked, "Why not create a tool that could help me find my own life purpose?
And then after thinking of that, I realized, "Maybe that is my life purpose, to help people find theirs?" And this got me excited.
So for the next few weeks, I worked on developing a tool to help uncover our life purpose, and once it was finally developed, I tested it on myself, and realized that yes, in fact: My life purpose is to help other people find and reach theirs.
As I was growing my business, I would of course get angry, freaked out, or overwhelmed at times (as we all do). At one point I got so sick of my overreactions that I decided to try to create a tool that would allow me to coach myself. After a few months of work, I had developed a tool that actually allowed me to explore my own unconscious mind. Basically the tool consisted of a series of questions that would lead me to uncover why I felt a certain way about things. So since I had already created a tool to help uncover my unconscious thoughts, I asked, "Why not create a tool that could help me find my own life purpose?
And then after thinking of that, I realized, "Maybe that is my life purpose, to help people find theirs?" And this got me excited.
So for the next few weeks, I worked on developing a tool to help uncover our life purpose, and once it was finally developed, I tested it on myself, and realized that yes, in fact: My life purpose is to help other people find and reach theirs.
I am currently in the process of developing an app for this tool, but for now, it is written in question and answer form. Just fill in your answer to each question and by the end of this 10 minute process, you'll have a pretty good idea of what's most important to you in life.
Be careful though... what you find out might make you uncomfortable, especially if your field of work has nothing to do with your life purpose. That's what I discovered when I realized that the headshot business I had built was not at all my passion. But don't worry, there are absolutely ways to merge the two together.
Click the button above to finalize your answers and submit them, and then you'll be able to set up a completely free life coaching session aimed at helping you figure out how to connect your life purpose with your current path in life.
Note: Everything on this form is private but will help us develop a coaching model customized for you, If, after the session is complete, you'd like to start moving towards making your life purpose a reality, we can discuss coaching packages and other free tools available.
If you'd like to jump start your success and start setting goals, move onto the next step online here.
Note: Everything on this form is private but will help us develop a coaching model customized for you, If, after the session is complete, you'd like to start moving towards making your life purpose a reality, we can discuss coaching packages and other free tools available.
If you'd like to jump start your success and start setting goals, move onto the next step online here.
About Me

Martin Bentsen, founder of Bentsen Breakthrough Consulting, has spoken numerous times at New York University, has run educational seminars at Actor's Connection on branding and marketing strategies for performers, and has written a 60 page informational book called Get Cast™, focusing on marketing tactics actors can use to find more consistent work. He is a member of both the National Association of Sales Professionals and Sales & Marketing Executives International, two highly acclaimed marketing organizations in the United States.
Martin graduated in 2011 with honors from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts' Film and Television program with a focus on directing and in 2010, he founded City Headshots®, which, according to Yelp, is ranked the top headshot studio in the United States. City Headshots currently employs seven people and has locations in New York, Denver, and Philadelphia. Some of City Headshots’ repeat clients include well known companies such as LinkedIn Corp, Facebook, American Express, and many of its photos have been featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
As a business owner who has grown a photography business from zero to half a million dollars per year, Martin not only understands the intricacies of marketing and finding clients, but also what it takes for clients to successfully navigate the marketing world and make themselves memorable. He coaches small business owners one-on-one with their branding, marketing, and operational strategies, and in how they conduct themselves with actual clients.
Martin’s long term goal is to run major business seminars across the country while expanding his City Headshots brand to go international.
Martin graduated in 2011 with honors from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts' Film and Television program with a focus on directing and in 2010, he founded City Headshots®, which, according to Yelp, is ranked the top headshot studio in the United States. City Headshots currently employs seven people and has locations in New York, Denver, and Philadelphia. Some of City Headshots’ repeat clients include well known companies such as LinkedIn Corp, Facebook, American Express, and many of its photos have been featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
As a business owner who has grown a photography business from zero to half a million dollars per year, Martin not only understands the intricacies of marketing and finding clients, but also what it takes for clients to successfully navigate the marketing world and make themselves memorable. He coaches small business owners one-on-one with their branding, marketing, and operational strategies, and in how they conduct themselves with actual clients.
Martin’s long term goal is to run major business seminars across the country while expanding his City Headshots brand to go international.